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Employment Tribunals

Search our in-depth knowledge centre for answers to your employment questions, plus hints and tips from the experts.

A man in a suit is sitting at a desk with a laptop and talking on a cell phone.
By Louise Maynard 28 Feb, 2024
If you're an employee bringing a claim against your employer in an employment tribunal, you may be wondering who you should call as witnesses. Here are some things to consider when making your decision:
Positive duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
By Louise Maynard 03 Nov, 2023
On 26 October 2023, Parliament passed new legislation to amend the Equality Act 2010 to place a duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of employees and workers during the course of their employment. The new duty comes into force on 26 October 2024.
What is a Deposit order in the Employment Tribunal?
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
Employment tribunals are often reluctant to strike out cases at an early stage unless there is a compelling reason to do so. An alternative option for the Tribunal is to make a deposit order.
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
If you have been named in an Employment Tribunal claim, there are a few ways that you can try to reduce the value of the claim against you. First, you can offer a claimant alternative employment within your organisation. This could be at a different location or on different terms and conditions, but it would still allow them to continue working for you. Compensation is based on the financial losses a person suffers, so the sooner you can find a ways to stop their loss of earnings, the lower the value of the claim could be, especially if they are claiming reinstatement or reengagement. Of course, you may not want to re-employ someone who is suing you!
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
If you are an employee who has been dismissed or otherwise treated unfairly or unlawfully (e.g. discrimination) at work, you may be able to make a claim to an employment tribunal. Part of the process of making a claim is to submit a schedule of loss, which details the financial losses you say you have suffered and, in the case of discrimination or detrimental treatment, non-financial losses such as compensation for injury to feelings.
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
Understand the process – it is vital that you understand the process of an employment tribunal so that you know what to expect. Knowing and complying with the key dates and deadlines is also crucial so that you are prepared. Make sure that you read and comply with all orders and directions from the Employment Tribunal.
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
If you are pursuing an employment tribunal claim, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of success. Here are a few key tips: Understand the process – it is vital that you understand the process of an employment tribunal so that you know what to expect. Knowing the key dates and deadlines is also crucial so that you can be prepared. Make sure you read and understand the orders and directions from the tribunal and comply with them.
How much is my Employment Tribunal claim worth?
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
The value of your claim will, firstly, depend on the type of claim you are successful in. Generally, discrimination claims are more valuable (but more complex). The amount you could receive will, secondly, depend on a number of factors, including the severity of your employer’s failings, your salary, the length of time you were employed for, how long you are out of work for and your individual circumstances.
By Louise Maynard 28 Aug, 2023
The first step is to check whether you have insurance. Often individuals have ‘legal expense insurance’ on household contents insurance or other insurance products. If you have such cover, you have freedom to instruct a Solicitor of your own choice, and we regularly advise and support individuals in this position. The insurer will try and push you to one of its panel law firms, but these tend to be law firms who take on high volumes of cases, so you may not get the same level of service as other (non-panel) law firms can offer.
By Yeing-Lang Chong 21 Jul, 2023
If you're an employer, you may be wondering how to stop a vexatious Employment Tribunal claim. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer, as each case is unique. However, there are some general principles that can help you deal with vexatious claimants.
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